
el amor no va a ninguna parte

que algún día volverá a mí
de hecho, tenemos mucho gusto
De hecho no estamos juntos
"si es que estamos destinados a estar juntos para siempre, el amor no va a ninguna parte"



uda lama ya ga nulis di blog ini.. plg cm nge-post gambar2 aja akhir2 ini..
huah i am so tired lately..

last week, 26th-30th oct, I've got midterm test in my campus.. that was my first midterm test in my new campus, so i want it to be perfect.. hmm maybe i am too perfectionist..but i think, it didn't really good.. especially for accounting.. I've studied and i think i would able to do the test, but the time was so fast.. it was only 2 hours for 2 numbers (number 1  : make general journal - ledger - trial balance ; number 2 : make adjusting entries - ledger - adjusted trial balance - income statement - owner's equity statement - balance sheet - closing entries - post closing trial balance ). what can i say??? I've just tried my best, but i couldn't finish it.. hiks2.. I'm so disappointing i couldn't finish it...

then, rasanya tiap hari ada aja acara/kegiatan... hari sabtu pun ky gt..walau harusnya kan hari sabtu holiday ya..ttp aja ada acara..

o iya, tgl 24 okt kmrn gw dateng ke gonz ! seneng bisa ke gonz lagi setelah uda lama bgt (rasanya) ga ke gonz.. gw kangen gonz dan semua kenangan2 nya.. jadi gw ke gonz dalam rangka "Open House Gonzaga", tadinya mau dateng pas upacara pembukaan nya, which is on 9 a.m., I've prepared myself and I've got ready to go to my high school, but my father wasn't pick me up yet.. and after he has arrived at my house, he said that he wanted to get shower for a moment.. grrr... and.... i arrived at Gonz on 11 a.m ! (huh great..). Of course i couldn't see the orchestra.. and it made me a little bit angry to my parents =(

the photo was taken by Mas Mazmur at food stand - Gonzaga Open House
from left to right : Fabio - Asella - Ajeng - Saut - Sono - Lusi - Me- Deta - Gevi
too bad Ayek wasn't be there coz he must go to UMN for take the jacket ;p

Anyway, I'm so happy to meet you, guys ! =)
And thanks for the time in Peville for the chit-chat time and the narcissist time hahaha ;p

ini di pinglap gonz,  yg tadinya pinglap, skrg digusur buat lapangan bola (hmm berarti ga bakal ada yg namanya pinglap yg ke arah lapangan bola lagi,dong? i miss the 'pinglap')

tp beneran deh, bulan oktober terasa cepat berlalu.. dari lat.konser PMC, konser PMC, ke farewell Lele, lat JakFlute, tampil JakFlute di Monas dan ditonton Vincent dan cowo nya + jalan2 bareng Vanida, Ichad, dan Asella disitu menambah senangnya hari itu, open house gonz, tampil di gereja, kuliah, tugas kuliah (yg nambah bnyk begitu da mau deket uts), uts, bolak-balik pinjem buku ke zoe, membuat gw lebih mudah untuk melupakan sesuatu hal, walopun ga sepenuhnya bisa lupa sih..

last but not least, it's November now.. and i hope this month will bring joy and happiness to me.. =)
God bless me...

P.S : and i can get good score on my midterm test... ameennn....

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